
Serves 4 Ingredients: 2 lb Sweet Potatoes 2 tbsp Olive Oil 1/8 tsp Salt 1/8 tsp Pepper 1/8 tsp Garlic Powder 1/8 tsp Paprika Method: Preheat oven to 450. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Cut sweet potatoes into 1/4″ fries. Toss fries in olive oil to coat. Spread fries out on prepared baking sheet. […]

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Protein Packed Sweet Potato Pancakes (gluten free & paleo) Ingredients: 2 Eggs, large 3 tbsp Peanut butter or almond butter 1/4 tsp Baking soda 1/2 tsp Vinegar ¾ cup baked sweet potato (mashed and packed when measuring) Method: Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, whisk to combine well. Heat a large skillet over medium-low […]

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